
mobile-patient-care-techIn today’s healthcare environment, connectivity is essential. Mobile devices and apps allow patients to be proactive in their wellbeing.

T-CETRA Business Solutions fosters better patient/provider communication coupled with greater flexibility, resulting in increased health awareness, improved patient care, and more efficient healthcare providers. From pairing medical devices to monitor patients’ health statistics remotely to connecting residents in independent living centers to their health care teams, this means providers can efficiently, and affordably, stay connected with peace of mind.

Our complete, customized wireless programs provide connectivity solutions for healthcare customers that include the ability to order devices bundled with prepaid services, an easy 3-step activation process which allows you to activate the devices when you need them, and ongoing client support from our T-CETRA Business Solutions team.

T-CETRA Business Solutions has worked with major medical centers in Boston, New Jersey, New York, Los Angeles, and Pittsburgh, to name a few.